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Petrichor and migraine auras: Learning Log, Nov 2017

  • La Belle Sauvage (The Book of Dust #1) mentioned migraine auras and I thought for sure they existed only in the book, but no, apparently some people experience them. Also, espaliers.
  • Using git rebase still feels like “cut the blue wire! Not the red wire!”, but the more I have to use it, the more I can see myself making it a part of my workflow.
  • Petrichor is the term for that earthy post-rain smell.

Nice bits of internet

  • This barnacled basketball
  • Magpie Kingdom, an email newsletter covering Chinese current events in a accessible style
  • The categories experience on the “Here” blog by Away Travel, where hovering on a category points all the arrows on the page towards your cursor. Click on the pin icon in the upper-left to activate that view, as there’s no permalink to it. I also like how the titles are different typefaces, depending on the category the post is in.
  • Podcast I’ve been enjoying: Thirst Aid Kit
  • Infinitown, a cute little/infinite WebGL experiment
  • The accordion hover effect on my friend Anna’s site

Worthy reads

Mulling over this revelation from Have Paint Brush, Will Travel: Artist Allison Kunath On Trading Art for Rent :

I did a cool performance a couple years ago where I painted blindfolded and I was talking to a performance artist after the event and mentioned it was the first time I’ve like done anything experimental like this and he was dumbfounded. He was like “What do you mean? Everything I do is an experiment!” And that just struck me. It’s such the polar opposite of the way I was approaching my work.


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