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Learning Log, Mar 2021

Experiment of the Month šŸ‘©ā€šŸ”¬

I decided to try out a 30 day experiment for myself, and for this first month picked ā€œtake a mid-workday walk breakā€. This experiment wasā€¦not very successful. I only took a walk break 1ā€“2 workdays out of each week. In ~half the cases my misses were due to having a ridiculous meeting schedule. On other days I was just glad to finally have time to sit down and get some non-meeting work done.

Despite the low output, I think it would be worth trying this again. The first week of the experiment I actually experienced the least amount of work-induced anxiety Iā€™ve had since switching to PMā€¦there were potentially other confounding factors, though certainly no change in my work environment. I think that my brain was just so excited that I was doing something to take care of myself that those optimism levels got cranked to 11.

Bedtime is another one I struggle with, especially with pandemic-flavored WFH. In April, my experiment will be to turn my devices on airplane mode at 10pm.

Python šŸ

As it turns out, I could not resist learning a new technology: late in the month started learning Python. I was curious; it seemed like a versatile language you can do a lot with (automate stuff! Play with data!); and so here we are.

To start, I:

  • Finished setting up my Python environment on WSL2 and played a bit with the interpreter on the command line.
  • Started reading/following along with exercises in Python for Everybody. Thus far Iā€™ve read through the intro to programming; variables, expressions, and statements. Charles Severanceā€™s teaching style feels like this would be pretty approachable if you were new to programmingā€”though I suppose Iā€™m not the appropriate judge of that, being familiar with the concepts laid out thus far via other languages.

Interesting thus far:

  • Variable assignment statements donā€™t begin with a language-reserved keyword, as they do in JavaScript (var, let, const).
  • The difference in types between integers and floating numbers.

恫恻悓恔 (Japanese)

Iā€™m just now starting Level 3 vocabulary on WaniKani, so Iā€™m a little behind where Iā€™d like to be, if Iā€™m to complete one level per month. However, there is absolutely no time pressure here, so Iā€™m enjoying the lackadaisical pace. My favorite kanji from this level are 元 (origin), 北 (north), and ē”Ø (task). Yes, I am picking these on aesthetics. I like how the ā€œtaskā€ kanji sorta looks like a simplified task management UI or spreadsheet. šŸ˜

Also cool is that Iā€™m starting to recognize a few kanji in the wild, i.e. on stationery suppliesā€¦


My highlights site index

Added highlights to the mini-site for:

On the Internet

  • Nice Japanese floors: geometric patterned tiling in muted colors
  • The art of Wu Guanzhong, via Jinjin Sun
  • Bird meeting!!! Itā€™s so cute I want to cry. (Alt text: pixel art of a video conference call with various species of birds shown in a grid. The ā€œcurrently speakingā€ focus rectangle highlights an ibis, a bluebird, and finally an owl)



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