Learning Log, Nov 2022

I refuse to believe that a whole month has passed; November went by in the blink of an eye.
- My drawing generator site was approved for production Unsplash API use (5k requests per hour vs 50!). I started working on some topic-based filters, but they’re not quite ready yet.
- I learned how to use Definitions in Mode, which I’m using to filter out activity coming from test accounts. It’s a little funky that you have to hit “Run” on the definition query in order to save changes to it, but otherwise cool and useful.

- The pandemic has shrunk my social circle and made me more of a homebody, so I’d like to get back out into the community and connect with others. I went to a new-to-me (masked) craft social at the end of the month and felt such incredible joy at simply working on little projects alongside others.
- Likewise, in parallel play, a friend came over after work one night and we did yoga together, ate dinner, and then drew for an hour. It was adorable and immensely fulfilling.

- I’ve been doing some sketching, and collaging, and doodling shapes with my glass dip pen. The latter I’d like to do more of: so satisfying!
- I also finally finished my vibrant patchworked sketchbook pouch.
On the Internet
- Rocks that need a story written around them
- Analyze CSS
- I learned the little poles sticking out of adobe-style houses are called vigas
“Any man can fight the battles of just one day,” begins a passage collected in Richmond Walker’s book of meditations for recovering alcoholics, Twenty-Four Hours a Day. “It is only when you and I add the burden of those two awful eternities, yesterday and tomorrow, that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives men mad. It is remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday or the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Let us therefore do our best to live but one day at a time.”
Also: I'm in need of a phase. I know I read other articles this month but I don’t seem to have bookmarked anything else…