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Learning Log, June 2024

My husband and I visited my family in Gainesville, FL for Father’s Day and my niece’s fifth birthday. Still a Cool Fun Aunt, fingers crossed that status holds!🤞🏻

This was a particularly nature-filled trip: my husband had never seen an alligator before—crocodiles, yes—so we made it our mission to spot one. We apparently just missed a big one that had wandered further into the UF campus from Lake Alice, but we did catch a couple in the lake itself!

A small alligator gliding along in fairly clear and sandy-bottomed shallow waters. It has bands of yellow across its scales.
Just a baby swamp puppy
Two freshwater turtles on a log, stretching towards the sun. In the background are deciduous trees, and in the foreground, crystal-clear aqua waters
So. Many. Turtles!

The next day, we floated down the Ichetucknee Springs and spotted tons of turtles sunning themselves, cattle egrets, and a beautiful yellow-crowned night heron.

I was chatting with someone about our trip when we came back, and they remarked that they weren’t expecting me to have such a stereotypically Floridian trip…and yet! 😂

🚢 Shipping

Shipped a “small but important update” with the team: !important flag in Webflow custom properties

🌱 Digital gardening

This site

  • Created a changelog! It was fun poking around in the Wayback Machine to uncover older versions of the site design.
  • Finally added a Reading page—powered by the Airtable API—and wrote a blog post about the process.


  • How to use the Airtable API
  • How to bead fringe earrings

✂️ Making

  • Finished sewing my Creative Maker Supply Case and feeling very accomplished 😌
  • Started knitting my second sock (in a pair, and ever)
  • Set up a new travel palette
  • Wrapped up my journal for the first half of the year, and started a new one for July–December

On the internet


Only finished two books this month, but those accounted for about 1000 pages?!




Work & productivity

Other interesting articles


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