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Learning Log, Feb 2025

🧶 Crafting

  • Closet Core T-Shirt: finally wrote a blog post for my first ever t-shirt, which I sewed in February!
  • Finished knitting a Seattle Kraken beanie, which also needs a blog post.
  • Started knitting my second pair of socks. This time I’m trying out colorwork on socks; I’ve learned the technique on clothing items that are more forgiving when it comes to fit and stretchiness (like the hat).

🧙🏻‍♀️ Side quests

A shot of a beach far from above, where a whole bunch of fat brown seals are sunning themselves along the shoreline. There's a barrier from the waves on the far side of the beach.
Harbor seals at Children’s Pool Beach, La Jolla
A close-up view of a network of circular-ish tide pools with the ocean in the background. There’s little bits in the tide pools, probably periwinkles.
La Jolla Tide Pools, pretty legit
  • Went to San Diego for a work trip! I’ve only been there once before and I didn’t have great memories from the previous visit. I had received some heavy personal news while at a workshop / conference for a work community that was new to me at the time. It was a very lonely feeling. I’m glad to have made better memories this time around, connecting with my co-workers and bopping around town with my husband the following weekend.
  • Visited La Jolla. One of my favorite parts of traveling is witnessing nature in different parts of the world, and this was no exception. I loved seeing all the harbor seal pups at the Children’s Pool Beach; the seals are so cute and funny when they flop themselves across the sand. Always a big fan of tide pools as well. I spotted Hartweg’s Chitons, Aggregating Anenomes, Black Tegulas, Periwinkles, Common Coralline, Giant Kelp, and some type of little hermit crabs.

🌱 Digital gardening

  • Snacks site: added a couple new snacks for the first time since May.
  • Making site: started listing hashtags for sewing patterns and materials in the blog post sidebar. My social media presence has contracted quite a bit, especially now that I am no longer on Instagram, where most of the sewists are. I figured I might as well make my blog posts findable to my people, in some small way.

🛜 On the internet

Awesome Standalones: a collection of framework-agnostic Web Components.

🔖 Reading

Moving on From 18F.: if you read one link from this post, make it this one. A thoughtful and frankly inspiring account from Ethan on facing adversity with grace and integrity.


How to Build Brand Awareness Through Product Impressions, Not Marketing


Global Digital Accessibility Salary Survey Results

Design & development

Color Theory & Palette – Resources and Tools

Personal growth

Other interesting articles


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