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Moved the reading journal

Quick heads up if you happen to be one of the handful of people that was following my reading journal on Github and want to find it again: I've moved it to Dropmark.

I wanted to be able to tag items and explore them via tag, as well as get a quick glimpse of what kinds of things I was reading at particular time. I toyed with the idea of rolling my own solution for this, but decided to spend my side-project energy elsewhere. Besides, a service I use and love already has the functionality built in.

What is this reading journal anyway? Basically a log of articles I've been reading across design, development, liberal arts, etc. I started logging this at the beginning of the year because I thought it would be fun to look back on, especially as web standards and design practices morph over the years.

Ending on a shameless plug: if you sign up for a Dropmark account with my referral link and end up getting the paid version, we both get more storage! Whee!


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