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Black. Lives. Matter.

Last updated: June 19, 2020

I’ll keep this simple: systemic racism has got to stop. Anti-Black police brutality has got to stop. Everyone should feel safe, respected, and able to go about their day unbothered. No one should need to assert their humanity. Black. Lives. Matter.

I am livid from the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, David McAtee…I am angry because instead of taking steps to solve the root problem, leadership calls out more force and further escalates the situation. I want us to be the generation that heals things.

The following are resources that you can contribute your money, time, attention, or skills to. I’ll update the list as I come across them and they seem legit. Please be alert for fake fundraisers: Minnesota Freedom Fund does not have a Venmo account. Thank you for supporting.

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501(c)(3) Nonprofits

Additional Organizations

May also have non-profit status, couldn't always clarify one way or the other

Bail Funds

Refer also to the list of non-profits

Memorial Funds

Mutual Aid Funds

Rebuilding Efforts

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  • Write and share alternative text for social media posts (e.g. text embedded in images), so that everyone can have access to critical information.

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