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Murmurations and living lights: Learning Log, Dec 2017

As I compile this month’s learning log, I’ve got the new(ish) Fleet Foxes album going on vinyl, while the trees rustle in the wind outside. It’s both a bit twee and a lovely synchronicity.

A striped knitted blanket

More details of the blanket on Instagram

I finally finished the blanket I was knitting as a wedding present to my sister and her new husband! The tassels were a fun little finishing touch, I want to make 100 tassels now…this was my second knitting project (#2.5 if you count a partially-finished scarf), I think I’ll go for a smaller project next time around. 😅

  • Reading "Art and Fear" and thinking about art-making got me in the mood to observe process. ALL episodes of Art:21 are happily available free to watch online.
  • I find it fascinating that Link in Profile is a business that exists simply because of one decision on a massive social media site, i.e. no linked URLs in Instagram posts.
  • Discovering that even a half hour’s difference in sleep time has a huge effect on how well I’ll wake up and deal with the nonsense of the day.
  • The Xmas decorations from the original Home Alone movie were gifted to the Chicago O’Hare airport, and are hung in the airport each year. (I learned this while half-asleep waiting for my flight to board)
  • In Danish, candles are called levende lys, or “living lights” (Source)
  • This month in extremely specific internet searches: “when does the jasmine bloom in New Orleans”

Nice bits of internet

Worthy reads

As a heavy year closes out, this passage from A Hymn for Optimism is really resonating with me:

I believe in peace on earth—even if it was never supposed to arrive all at once, but meant to cycle like a constellation, sometimes hidden, sometimes obscured, and sometimes appearing over the horizon just as you thought to look up.

Here’s to learning many more new things in 2018!


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