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Learning Log, Mar 2020: the great indoors


So. COVID-19 has turned the whole world upside down, and it’s been one full month of isolation inside the apartment. Right now I am admittedly the archetype of a person who has this easiest—able to work from home, no kids, not immunocompromised AFAIK—and still, plenty of worry for the health and financial security of others, known and unknown to me. My best thoughts to those who are having a hard time right now, whatever position you find yourselves in. I'll be looking for ways to support others throughout this thing—besides staying home!—so please feel free to pass along an organization name or a Square Cash handle (please no Venmo, long story).

A blank notebook with a paint pen drawing of a bay with mountains behind it. A green and a blue pen are laid next to the notebook.

Due to my life situation, this shelter-in-place time has been an exploration of the great indoors: finding a new thrill in Posca paint pens; going for lunchtime walks (the highlight of my day, when I do squeeze them in); playing Animal Crossing in bits and pieces; working way too much; and getting in lots of video chatting time. I'm thankful to have more opportunities to talk to my family on the other side of the country, and having a lot of fun with socially-distanced happy hours or art hangouts. My next project: sewing masks!


Added to my highlights site: “Make Time” and “The Miracle of Mindfulness”. I swear I read about topics other than mindfulness!

A grid of book covers on my highlights site

Personal Site

Didn’t make a whole ton of progress here, but did make body text and link underlines a little less contrasty, by choosing a slightly lighter grey for the text and knocking back underlines from black to a medium grey:

Side by side: dark text and links on the left, less contrasted text and links on the right

On the Internet


Web design and development

Other interesting articles


(Content warning: food) Starting a new section in the Learning Log for new recipes I've tried out! Here's the key:

🤷‍♀️: fine, no pressing need to make again
👍: I like it, would cook again
🌟: I love it!


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