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Learning Log, Apr 2023

All I did in April was gush over the beautiful blossoms in Seattle. I’m sort of kidding but also that’s pretty much my photo roll. Pretty impressive considering it rained like, 90% of the time. It’s been a cold and wet spring so far.

A grid of floral-rich photos: A street completely lined with cherry trees bursting with pale pink sakura blossoms. A big bushy magnolia tree. A cluster of white blossoms on our pear tree. A massive rose bush with red roses, next to some fuschia azaleas. The same cherry blossom street now coated in petals like a layer of snow.
This isn’t even half of it!

Otherwise I:

  • Participated in Dewey’s Readathon and read 498 pages in one day. Also messed up my neck/shoulders despite best intentions. Am considering if I’m too old for this ish.
  • Launched automatic deploy subdomains with some of my collaborators at Netlify. Set a custom domain for your Deploy Previews!
  • Started looking into a new product area at work. New big scope: exciting!
  • Continued getting waaaay into writing SQL queries and analyzing data. The title is terrible and the book is not perfect, but I’m enjoying “Naked Statistics” by Charles Wheelan (disclosure) so far. Approachable, plain language explanation of statistics.





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