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Learning Log, Sep 2023

Note: I’m posting my monthly update in the midst of a crisis harming Israelis and Palestinians, which includes some of my co-workers. I’m an outsider who can’t begin to understand what that feels like. What I do know and want to acknowledge is that all humans deserve to be safe; to have their needs met; and furthermore to thrive.


A bunch of small buildings in pastel shades clustered together on a green cliff in Maiori. A golden hour sun washes over the entire cliff.
The hillside in Maiori on the Amalfi Coast, Italy

In September my husband and I went on our belated honeymoon! Like seemingly half of U.S. international travelers, we visited Italy, working our way through Milan, Venice, Florence, Maiori (Amalfi coast), and a quick stop in Rome. We had such a wonderful time exploring the country together. Feeling very grateful for this shared adventure.

Learn to Sew Clothes

Prior to our honeymoon, I was working my way through Closet Core’s “Learn How to Sew Clothing” online course. So far the course has been clear and useful: I didn’t skip any videos—not even the “how to use a machine” basics—and learned something new in each one. I’ve been sewing little items for my household or other hobbies, so I am looking forward to making some clothes soon. The course has helped remove some of the intimidation I felt with this process, which is what I’d hoped for!

On the Internet

  • Levelbot on Mastodon. I’ve always wanted to make a fun little text bot like this, but haven’t thought of a fun idea yet.
  • Need to play Octodad, where you’re a dad who’s secretly also an octopus?? A+ concept, which a couple members of my blog post writing group introduced to me in a conversation about how cool octopi (insert your favorite pluralization here) are.


I read 6 books in September. My favorite was a re-read of volumes I and II of Sakana. I have an unread copy of vol III on my shelves!



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