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New Fuzzco Work, The Nickelodeon

The Nickelodeon screenshot

I’m so excited to finally share this project: a new identity and website for The Nickelodeon! The Nick is an alternative/indie theater in Columbia, South Carolina. For an organization that has a huge influence on local culture, it was important to us to make this rebrand feel intelligent, fun, and a bit off-beat.

The Nickelodeon

Check back on this page during the Indie Grits festival!

The Nickelodeon screenshot

The “About” page is actually enormous, and it’s one of my favorites, including the “spine” of staff bios. I’ll spare you, though, and just link to the full thing.

The Nickelodeon screenshot

The full site is live at To see more applications of the identity, check out the full project case study on the Fuzzco site.


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