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Weeknotes #13: the waning summer

It’s been about a month since I last wrote some weeknotes, which I suppose is a datapoint in and of itself. My free time as of late has been filled with visiting family, burning the midnight oil, working on upcoming conference talks (I don't have much speaking experience but/so these take me foreeeevvver), and trying to grab the tail end of a mild summer.

Piles of drift wood at La Push beach, with rock formations in the foggy sea

La Push Beach #2, Olympic Peninsula, WA

Over Labor Day weekend, my S.O. and I headed out to the Olympic Peninsula to finally explore the Hoh Rainforest and meander down the beach at La Push. As the crow flies, the peninsula is quite close to Seattle, but it takes 3½–5 hours to get to various points of interest. With many other hikes much closer in drive-time radius (#blessed), this means I've been to Olympics…twice. I hope to make it out there more frequently in the future because there is immense and varied beauty everywhere you go. Feeling: very lucky to live in such a beautiful state; called upon to support local tribal rights and climate justice; and grateful to have gotten a solid and restful break between projects at work.

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