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Weeknotes #12: going more indie web with Webmentions


I’ve been working on getting Webmentions up and running on my blog posts. If you’re familiar with the pingbacks and trackbacks of Wordpress yore, Webmentions are a similar concept. Website A can send Website B a notification that Website A contains a reference to B. These can include things like social media posts (like the example on Weeknotes #10, hi Dave 👋) or response articles, and can be displayed similarly to comments on Website B.

Some resources that were helpful to me in setting up receipt of Webmentions:

Next I need to set up Netlify to automatically build every few hours. I also want to keep thinking through the UX of how Webmentions are displayed beneath posts, as it can be a little “what…the heck…is this?” if you’re unfamiliar and expect a comment box.

How to help targeted immigrants in the U.S.

Switching gears to a more serious topic…I would characterize this administration’s immigration practices as crimes against humanity; reporting from the camps make me sick to my stomach, especially when so many detainees have sought asylum in the U.S. to keep their families safe from targeted violence. If you feel likewise (and I hope you do), here are some ways to help:

On the internet


Design and development

Other interesting articles


My blog uses Webmentions. Responses from Mastodon and other sites that send Webmentions will show up here.