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Weeknotes #17: 👻🎃

Happy Halloweek!

Draft Jam (original context))

Started setting up a Mailchimp account for Draft Jam and forgot about that whole you-legally-need-a-physical-address bit to sending email newsletters. Three things are true:

  1. If I perceive the rule as moral-to-neutral, I am a rule follower.
  2. I don't want to put my home address on this newsletter.
  3. P.O. boxes are $140 a year.

Which means that updates for those interested in Draft Jam will be pushed out via RSS or social media . 😄 Unless I discover that I can use my professional mailing address (again, rule follower) in this instance.

After some administrative work on the project, I started doing a bit of mood boarding and scribbling down some random thoughts on design elements. Next up is to start playing in Illustrator with some ideas for the brand.


My blog uses Webmentions. Responses from Mastodon and other sites that send Webmentions will show up here.

  • Melanie Richards on

    Last week’s Weeknotes are v short:…
  • Reply from Lizz Westman on

    I really *really* love the design on this. It also totally just helped me think myself out of a UI/UX corner I overthought myself into... Thank you!!! :)