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Weeknotes #19: shiny toys

Over the weekend I decided to be slightly ridiculous and get the new Surface Laptop 3 in Sandstone (disclaimer: I work for Microsoft). I’ve really enjoyed my Surface Pro 4, especially as a drawing tablet, but I’ve wanted a (personal) true laptop on Windows for awhile. The new laptop is so preeeetty, and the keys and trackpad feel like butter.

To break in the new device, I started pixelling a doorway that I walked by the other night and thought was neat:

Pixel art showing dark windows and a blue-and-red stained glass sign bearing the name 'Swansonia'

I may add a little bit more detail to the left window (or not, I’ll see how I feel) and then get started on the doorway area. Yes, this is a multi-session endeavor: pixel art takes me forever.



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