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Learning Log, Oct 2021

Mt. Rainier, a snowy mountain, as glimpsed behind two hills full of trees, blue lake water, and in the foreground, a tangle of bushes.

Mt. Rainier from Seward Park on Halloween weekend.

Mid-October marked my first official month at Netlify! I’m having a ton of fun strategizing on how to help web teams be productive on the Jamstack and the Netlify platform. It’s interesting engaging with web developer needs at a different level than the web platform, where I had been for a few years. After navigating the long wait for consensus-building that is the standards process, it’s freeing to be in a position where you can just…ship things. That consensus-building is of course an important protection for the web platform, and I’m still a part of it via the Open UI Community Group.

At home I’ve been doing some organization work, i.e. filing the mess of sketchbooks and journals into some linen boxes, and finally putting up a pegboard to house some of my drawing and sewing supplies:

A white pegboard hung above a desk. On the pegboard are hooks bearing scissors and rotary cutters; jars of pencils, pens, and brushes; and a couple shelves holding little figurines and a Pomodoro clock. Piles and piles of journals and sketchbooks, all haphazardly thrown on top of each other.

I may or may not have also recently bought yet another new sketchbook (shhh). Expirementing with what paper I like best for Posca paint markers.

Other recent happenings:

On the Internet



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