Day 66 of 100DaysOfSpec, blockquote and ol elements
Jul 13, 2015 —
I read about the blockquote and ol elements in the HTML spec.
Day 65 of 100DaysOfSpec, hr and pre elements
Jul 10, 2015 —
I read about the hr and pre elements in the HTML spec.
Day 64 of 100DaysOfSpec, document outlines and the p element
Jul 09, 2015 —
I read about outlines and the p element in the HTML spec.
Day 63 of 100DaysOfSpec, the address element and document outlines
Jul 08, 2015 —
I read about the address element and document outlines in the HTML spec.
Day 62 of 100DaysOfSpec, h1–h6, header, footer elements
Jul 07, 2015 —
I read about the h1–h6, header, footer elements in the HTML spec.
Day 61 of 100DaysOfSpec, 4.3.3 The section element
Jul 06, 2015 —
I read about the nav and aside elements in the HTML spec.
Day 60 of 100DaysOfSpec, 4.3.3 The section element
Jul 03, 2015 —
I read about the section element in the HTML spec.
Day 59 of 100DaysOfSpec, 4.3 Sections
Jul 01, 2015 —
I read about the body and article elements in the HTML spec.
Day 58 of 100DaysOfSpec, 4.2.6 Styling
Jun 29, 2015 —
I read about styling elements in general in the HTML spec.
Day 57 of 100DaysOfSpec, 4.2.5 The meta element, contd.
Jun 26, 2015 —
I read about the style element in the HTML spec.
Day 56 of 100DaysOfSpec, 4.2.5 The meta element, contd.
Jun 25, 2015 —
I read the rest of the information on the meta element in the HTML spec.
Day 55 of 100DaysOfSpec, 4.2.5 The meta element, contd.
Jun 23, 2015 —
I read more about the meta element in the HTML spec.