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Blog: posted in 2014

For years I’d kept Seattle, WA in the back of my mind as somewhere I’d like to be. Summer of 2014, I moved across the coast from South Carolina, despite not knowing anyone in the PNW outside a brief intro (and continuing to work for Fuzzco, remotely). This was a great time of exploration: meeting new people, leaning into comics geekery, trying out tabletop gaming, etc.

  1. Goals for 2015
  2. I 💖 Internet, Vol II.
  3. Short Run Seattle Haul
  4. I 💖 Internet, Vol I.
  5. And lo, there was a portfolio section
  6. fcodampcamp (Fuzzco Retreat, 2014)
  7. That Which Has Happened, Summer 2014
  8. Introducing the UFGD c/o 2014!
  9. New Fuzzco Work, The Nickelodeon
  10. Badass Lady Creatives on the Dribbble Blog
  11. Sedimentary is Responsive
  12. Be Cool, Big Blogs
  13. January Refresh CHS, Stitch Design Co.
  14. Resources for Friends of Design